Friday, August 22, 2014

Planned Parenthood Founder Invited to 13 Ku Klux Klan Rallies

From the Margaret Sanger blog a great reminder of the connections between Planned Parenthood and the Ku Klux Klan:

Most of us, myself included, will live our entire lives and never be invited to speak at a single Ku Klux Klan Rally.  And yet, Margaret Sanger, the foundress of Planned Parenthood, received at least 13 such invitations.  Would someone from Planned Parenthood please tell us why Margaret Sanger was so in demand on the KKK speaking circuit?

Six Quotes Hint Why Margaret Sanger Received “a dozen invitations” to speak at Ku Klux Klan Rallies 

Margaret Sanger wrote about her Ku Klux Klan speech in her autobiography, “I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.” (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

See Rest here:

Six Quotes Hint Why Margaret Sanger Received “a dozen invitations” to speak at Ku Klux Klan Rallies

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